SAP Analytics for Cloud

SAP Analytics for Cloud

SAP analytics cloud is the future of decision making. Thanks to SAP Lumira Cloud, businesses can now visualize vast amounts of data efficiently and securely. Hidden insights can be unraveled faster than before using mobile devices or just a browser. That alone implies that business owners can make informed decisions with confidence. How?

Business Intelligence

SAP Business Intelligence is available both in the cloud and on-premise. Business intelligence tools provide insights and actionable info to users. Why rely on guesswork when you can monitor essential metrics and get valuable insight into customer behavior?

With SAP Business Objects, users can get decision-ready intelligence. They can also discover and share insights simultaneously.

Planning and Analysis

Irrespective of your business type, SAP Cloud planning and analysis solutions aids you to make a collaborative plan, budget, predict and report performance with the aim of making informed decisions that improves outcome.

Predictive Analytics

Imagine being able to travel into the future and see your business. SAP Business Intelligence platform utilizes predictive algorithms and machine learning to determine possibilities of future outcomes and offer information to help you direct your business on the right path.

SAP predictive analytics is achieved through the creation, deployment, and maintenance of thousands of prognostic models. With such an on-premise product, you can foresee future behavioral patterns and possible results helping you make better decisions that will see your business thrive as a result.